Thursday, September 14, 2017

Post Hurricane Irma

I am alive after the hurricane, but still living without electricity since early Sunday morning, reports say they will have everyone up and running by this coming Sunday, so they say. I took mostly videos during the storm and apparently I can't post them here, only pictures, I'm using the app, which is all I have available right now. Cell service was out for many days and only until yesterday did I get better service in my area. Luckily Irma moved even more to the west before it hit us, but it was still disastrous, so many trees were uprooted, so many power lines went down, street signs and light posts went down and many street lights still aren't working today.
There are still so many trees that fell lying on the roadways obstructing traffic.
My car, like everyone else's car was left with so many leaves, luckily mine stayed safe, others had trees toppled on top. Gave it a scrub and all clean.
Many of the non working traffic lights had cops stationed at them to either guide traffic or for safety.
My husband and I alive and well, but very bored when we are not working. My office job is still not open, which is Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, so this past Tuesday, two days after the storm, I headed to Publix earlier than the rest to see if I could lend a hand, since communication was down. Sure enough, all hands were needed, it was just as bad or even worse before the hurricane hit. The lines formed so long they ran up to the meat department. There was more demand than supply, since the trucks hadn't been able to come, every Publix had to work with the supply they already had, which was not enough at all. It was so bad, we had to ration the bread, two per person. Anything we packed was taken faster than walking 3 feet, it was a crazy day. Luckily yesterday was a much calmer day and we were able to fill the bread wall and all the dessert tables. I was off today, so I went on a supply run at multiple places like Home Depot for a fan and a gas tank since we are using the neighbor's generator, BJ's for some food and gas, dollar store for candles and batteries and Big Lots for an extra car charger and another candle. Streets are still chaos with the amount of traffic and the way people are driving, hopefully we can get back to normal soon.

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